- 貴重金屬投資專家麥克馬隆尼 Michael Maloney
- 羅伯特清崎 Robert Kiyosaki
- 通用貨幣 Currency
- 法定通貨 Fiat Currecny
- 通貨膨脹 Inflation
- 通貨緊縮 Deflation
- 邱吉爾 Winston Churchill
- 利底亞 Lydia
- 帕德嫩神廟 Parthenon
- 赤字開支 deficit spending
- 戴奧克里奇安 Diocletian
- 官方價格公告 Edict of Prices
- 第納爾 Denari 貨幣名稱
- 總督 Viceroy 品種
- 永遠的奧古斯都 Semper Augustus 品種
- 約翰勞 John Law
- 興辦銀行 Bank Generale
- (詩人和作曲家)查理斯馬蓋 Charles Mackay
- 康地王子 Prince de Conti
- 參議員貝利高華德 Barry Goldwater
- 研究院 Ludwig von Mises
- 奧地利經濟學者莫瑞洛斯柏德 Murray N. Rothbard
- 書 (對聯準會的控訴) The Case Against the Fed
- 參議員尼爾森艾德瑞奇 Nelson Aldrich
- Paul Warburg ; Kuhn,Loeb&Company
- Abrahamc Pete Andrew ;財政部副秘書長
- Frank Vanderlip ; 紐約洛克斐勒國家銀行總裁
- Henry P. Davison ;摩根大通 J.P. Morgan 資深合夥人
- Charles d.Norton ;紐約摩根第一國家銀行總裁
- Benjamin Strong ;摩根大通 J.P Morgan銀行信託總裁
- Jekyll 小島
- Forbes 富比士
- Frank Vanderlip 法蘭克樊德利
- Aldrich Plan 艾德瑞奇法案
- 國會議員 查爾斯林柏 Charles Lingbergh
- Putting It Simply 簡單來說
- Barron's
- 參議員 Carter Glass
- 布列敦森林協定 Bretton Woods Agreements
- 黃金儲備 Gold reserve
- 詹森總統 Lyndon Jahnson
- 法國總統戴高樂 Charles de Gaulle
- 財政部長狄倫 Douglas Dillion
- 美國總統尼克森 Richard Nixon
- 戴奧克里奇安 Diocletian
- 沃爾特克朗凱特 Walter Cronkite's
- 財政部長喬治薛爾志 George Shultz
- 贖罪日戰爭 Yom Kippur War
- 石油輸出國組織 OPEC
- 黃金合法化國家委員會 James Ulysses Blanchard III
- 信用週期 Revolving Credit
- 美國基礎貨幣 Monetary Base
- 書( Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of crowds )
- Paul Vocker
- S&P 500
- Dow Jones
- Alan Greenspan
- Enron
- WorldCom
- Global Crossing
- Nasdaq
- 消費者物價指數 CPI
- 美國勞工統計局 BLS
- Adam Hamilton
- 謊言去他的謊言 消費者物價指數也一樣 Lies,Damn Lies , and the CPI
- 國家統計局 Bureau of Statistics
- 政府湮滅的統計數據 shadow-stats.com
- John Williams
- Nowandfutures.com
- 無形的崩跌 The Invisible Crash
- Al Franken
- Michale Hodges
- Grand father Economic Report
- www.gao.gov
- ww.fms.treas.gov
- kemp - Roth tax cut
- Ron Paul
- Ben Bernanke
- Forex
- Richard Duncan
- The Dollar Crist
- Ben Simpfendorfer
- daisy chaining
- Warren Edward Buffett
- Northern Rock
- Carlyle Capital Fund
- Fannie Mae
- Freddie Mac
- Bear Sterns
- J.P. Morgan Chase
- Geroge W.Bush
- Milton Friedman
- Savings and Loans Crisis
- Murray N.Rothbard
- The Case Against the Fed
- International Accounting Standards Committee ; IASC
- Essays on the Great Depression
- Deflation: Making Sure It Does't Happen Here
- Euro Pacific Capital
- Peter Schiff
- Mortage-Backed Security
- Gold Yearbook
- www.cpmgroup.com
- Jeff Christain
- Wall Street Journal
- Gold, Platinum Hit Record Highs
- Bart Melek
- www.gate.com
- David Morgan
- Silver-Investor.com
- Sterling Mining
- Ray De Motte
- Izzy Friedman
- Theodore Butler
- Ted Butler
- P/E Ratio
- Dow/ Gold Ratio
- Brent Harmes
- commodity cycle
- S&P / Case-Shiller Home Price Index (S&P/CSI)
- How to Invest in Precious Metals
- James Turk
- Can We Trust the Silver ETF?
- The Paper Game
- IOU Gold or Silver Someday
- Butler Research.com
- Theodore Butler
- Buyer Beware
- margin
- Commodities Exchange
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- Liquidation only
- backwardation
- Warren Buffet
- Sprott Asset Management
- Eric Sprott
- Numismatics
- current coin
- bullion
- American Gold and Silver Eagles
- commemorative coins
- Gold Sovereigns
- Gold Roosters
- GoldMermaids
- troy Ounce
- Krugerrands
- Onzas
- Industry Council for Tangible Assets
- climbing a wall of worry
- Brink's
- four horsemen
- Charles Schumer
- The Road To Serfdom
- Cameron Hamza
- Richard Russel
- Jim Puplava
- Jim Rogers
- Marc Faber
- David Wlker
- Richard Duncan
- Ron Paul
- David Morgan
- James Turk
- John Embry
- Ted Butler
- Ian Gordon
2010年1月30日 星期六
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